What's in a newly given Spirit name?
I was given the name Tamara at birth. Three other possible name contenders in 1973 were Megan, Raina, and Amber. I do really like Raina.
It's interesting to carry a name, most of us, for a lifetime and the energy of that name that we did not choose. Though I believe my son had a hand in us choosing his name before he was born.
The Meaning of Names
My name means 'palm tree' and is of Hebrew origin. There are so many ways to pronounce it. My parents pronounced it like Camera with a T. Most people pronounce it differently, and some have a lot of opinions about how they think it should be pronounced. One that came to the top of my mind was an unhappy French teacher in grade 9. She adamantly proclaimed to the class that the way my parents pronounced it was "ugly," and she would not pronounce it that way. Fortunately, I did not care about her declaration or opinion.
When my son was to be born, I said to his dad it must be a name that there is no possible way to mispronounce when you read it. The name we chose had two different ways of spelling it. Chayton is a Native American name of Sioux origin which means 'Falcon,' and Chetan is a Hindi name that means 'full of consciousness.' We decided on the first one for the reason I mentioned. I love both names and meanings.
I bring up names because, recently, I have been given a new one, as I will explain.
Embarking on a whole new journey
Jada Fire Kalika lives and embodies the Medicine Wheel (and other) teachings. Dakshina Kalika is her Spirit name. She is a performer, fire dancer, artist, teacher, writer, healer, and so much more, with a beautiful heart and vibrant soul!
As soon as she told me about an upcoming wandering Medicine Wheel involving journeying through the four directions, I knew that it was also about to be a part of my eclectic journey of experiences and that it was going to be powerful and transformational. Still, I did not yet know the extent.
One year ago, in December 2021, she invited me to a fire ceremony on her land. I met some beautiful people there, most of whom had experienced the Medicine Wheel journey the previous year. I cried when I spoke about why I was there and how deeply I felt drawn to it.
What is a Medicine Wheel Journey?
This particular wandering Medicine Wheel journey is training in Mountain Shamanism- a personal healing journey shedding our outmoulded selves, with other very special 'ayllu,' which is a gathering of people working together in reciprocity.
It involves a series of initiation processes to connect with the natural and spiritual worlds, breathwork, prayer, many and varied ceremonies, journeying, teachings, transmissions, energy healing, shamanic yoga, and expressive arts—each direction held in incredibly beautiful places, immersed in nature.
A year after the fire ceremony at Jada's, we completed the East and final direction of the wheel. In a word, it was transformative.
The room was lined with candles, and the most exquisite people
After the final fire ceremony, we went to where the graduation ceremony of being a full mesa carrier in Mountain Shamanism was to take place. We took turns standing in front of our incredible teacher Anita Vidya and were each given transmissions and a Spirit Name. She said, "your Spirit name is Q'ente from the word Siwarkente (Quechua), which means royal Hummingbird. It resonated with me immediately.
I will never forget this ceremony and the group of amazing people. It ended with a hug circle that was the DEEPEST and longest heart-hugs I have experienced = incredibly healing.
There was still something deep and raw that wanted to be let go of the next day. After being given the name of a spirited, skilled, majestic flyer, I told my teacher that I had never been able to fly freely, and I shared the reason why with her and the others at the final Potlatch/performances.
What is in a new name?
Christine Selda of the Shamanic Yoga Institute says the vibration of your Spirit name "resonates and speaks to your soul each and every time it is sounded. Is a prayer, a call to action, a call to your highest self."
I have had a few weeks to be with this experience and the vibration of this new name. I began to dive deeper into its meaning:
"Q'ente, the Sky Jewel of the Andes, brings you Hummingbird, who bears the soul medicine of spiritual grace, the evolution to conquer any obstacle and the extraordinary power of the heart. When Hummingbird brings you medicine, you have a high spiritual destiny, one that is going to triumph against apparently insurmountable odds stacked against you."
Earth Warriors Oracle Card Deck. Alana Fairchild.
Ted Andrews, the author of 'Animal Speak,' writes about the Hummingbird. He says it is the most skillful flyer of all birds. It can hover in the air, fly backwards, forward and sideways and has the ability to move its wings in a Figure 8 pattern—“a symbol for Infinity and links to the past and future and the laws of cause and effect.” It can also stop immediately in flight from a high speed. No other bird can fly backwards, which he says, “This reflects the Hummingbird’s ability to explore the past and to draw from it the nectars of joy.”
If Hummingbird is your power animal, says Steven Farmer, "you're fiercely independent and seemingly revel in that freedom, and if anyone threatens that independence, you're prepared to take flight." Also, he says, "you're extremely sensitive, drawn to those who are light and positive, while shying away from anyone with harsh or negative energies." Yes, this resonates! Lastly,
"She is about action, intention, and absolute conviction. She encourages us to speak our truth, go after what we want, and not let anyone or anything get in the way!"
Dee ~Archangel Oracle
This is just the beginning. There is SO much more to take in, learn and experience! What a journey.
If you could choose a name that is not one that you were born with or a Spirit name, what would it be?
I think I would go with Raina Q'ente :)
** Anita Vidya is offering a 2023 Medicine Wheel in the Okanagan (BC, Canada) and is accepting new students)! **
Andrews, Ted. Animal Speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small. 157-158
Earth Warriors Oracle Card Deck. Alana Fairchild.
Farmer, Steven. Animal Spirit Guides: An Easy-to-Use Handbook for Identifying and Understanding Your Power Animals and Animal Spirit Helpers
Guns, Dee. https://archangeloracle.com/author/deeguns/