Highly Sensitive People: Traits That Influence Pro-Environmental Behaviour

Sensitivity allows us to BE in tune with all facets of our environment.

Highly Sensitive People notice depth and subtleties, what is not right, out of place or out of sync. I believe they are naturally Earth and Humanity Ambassadors here to embody and demonstrate a peaceful, harmonious, sane way of BEING in a world in crisis.

Innate Pro-Environmental Behaviours

Recent research findings show that Highly Sensitive People are more connected with nature and, therefore, are "well placed to be ambassadors of pro-environmental behaviours as it is in line with the way they experience the world." This is because they:

  • have a deep connectedness with nature.
  • notice the environment's subtleties (what others don't in a given situation) and carefully evaluate it before acting.
  • are reflective, therefore, are good and careful decision-makers and tend to consider the long-term consequences of their actions, which in turn fosters pro-environmental behaviour.
  • they are more prone to experience 'awe,' which can counteract our tendency to feel entitled, as humans, to exploit natural resources.

Empaths feel the pain of others and the planet. These traits and qualities result in a compassionate way of living and being as they take the absolute sacredness of the Earth and the interconnectedness of everything into account.

The Current Paradigm= Great Sadness for HSP/Empaths

It is crystal clear that domination, control, entitlement, lack of empathy and greed are leading the way currently and throughout history, leading time and again to some VERY dark places. HSP/Empaths can see through this dark-cloaked veil thoroughly and utterly perplexed and saddened by it ALL.

I used to feel that my sensitivity was a weakness or a flaw that allowed me to be dominated and controlled by those who tend to be louder, angrier, and seemingly more powerful than me. This has drastically shifted with much internal healing for me- although it has taken nearly five decades! I watched a YouTube video with Lee Harris interviewing Anita Moorjani, serendipitously speaking precisely on this.

'Sensitive is the New Strong'

'Sensitive is the New Strong' is her latest book. She says the more empathic one is, the more one shies away from the world, and the less empathic you are, the more likely you are out there convincing people that what you say is right and true. Furthermore, 'the loudest voices among us (she says) it's not that they are correct; it's that they are the most convincing, and we follow the louder voices.'

Following the loudest voices that are not necessarily correct but convincing- is a recipe for climate and humanitarian disaster, but this is precisely where we find ourselves!

I agree with Moorjani when she says that in society, many define strength as being ruthless, highly competitive and needing to win at all costs.

We so desperately need to transition from this old worn-out, harmful paradigm to defining empathy and compassion as strengths! In leading with love, heart and compassion, we are cultivating wholeness and healing in society and for the planet.

A Time of Incredible Upheaval and Change

How do we even begin to process this level of despair, fear, sadness and suffering/from seeing the atrocities on the Earth and our fellow human family?!

In the summer of 2021, I wrote an article called 'Processing Ecological Sorrow and Anxiety' -as a result of finding ourselves in the middle of a wildfire Climate Catastrophe. It was scary and shocking at the deepest level! EFT Tapping and Pranic Healing help me process the intense energies and emotions of shock, stress, fear, grief, etc., which is essential and helpful.

However, this does not target the root of the deep and systemic problem(s) that NEED to be remedied and addressed!

In choosing to be mindful and aware of ALL our decisions and their impact and consequences and uniting with those who share our passion and innate, collective empathy and compassion, we can take steps and create the momentum to build heart-based solutions and dismantle and crumble these harmful, worn-out ways.

Honouring the Spirit in all Things

The Earth provides us with all the resources we need to live. She is wise and abundant. Indigenous cultures/peoples KNOW this and live their lives in harmony, complete synchronicity and respect for her and her wisdom.

As we know, domination, greed, and lack of empathy violently hurt and take from and deeply harm indigenous cultures, humanity, animals and the Earth. She is constantly abused and treated without care or concern as if she owes us something- she certainly does NOT! It's TRULY disgusting, and in actuality, we owe her everything, our very lives!

I was reading an IndigiNews newsletter, where Eden Fineday says:

"Everything on this Earth has a spirit. Each tree, each stone, each animal, each person. The land itself is home to many spirits. I am learning about the intricacies of the world around us that we do not see and that many people do not acknowledge or understand."

Yes! It is essential that we acknowledge, understand, see, feel, and connect with the spirit, essence, and incredible beauty in all things/people.

Sensitive Inspiration

I now know for certain that sensitivity and empathy are the ultimate strength!

Highly Sensitive People are here to BE and embody a balanced, harmonious, heart-centred perspective, bringing healing (personal and planetary), creating innovative structures, powerful solutions and ways of working together, always listening to and championing the wisdom of the Earth.

We ARE healers, transformers, and visionaries, and TOGETHER we create significant, deep and lasting change!

Processing Climate Emotions/Mental Health:

Britt Wray

Plum Village Earth Holder Community/Retreats

Good Grief Network

Climate Awakening

The Climate Optimist

Sensitive Earth and Humanity Ambassadors (just a few of MANY)

Stop Ecocide International

Fridays for Future

Tree Sisters

Extinction Rebellion


Dogwood BC


David Suzuki Foundation

A Couple of Eco-Positive links:

The Optimist Daily

Positive News


A Deep Reverence for All Beings


Earth-First Purchasing Meets Planned Obsolescence Consumerism