What is Pranic Healing?

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Tamara Low

Permaculture, Herbology, Passionate Planet Advocate, Writer

Master Choa Kok Sui is the founder of modern Pranic Healing. Pranic Healing is based on the idea that human beings have a physical body and an energy body. In Pranic Healing, we are working with the “energy body” or “energy field,” composed of chakras, meridians and various layers of the aura where the emotional and mental systems are located.

The hands can be used as a device for feeling or scanning the outer aura, the inner aura, the health aura, the chakras and the energetic condition of the organs.” General cleansing” and “localized cleansing” removes the diseased energy from the chakras, which accelerates the natural healing process of the body. A congested or depleted chakra lets us know that there is a disruption there. Pranic Healing is non-touch and is based on Chinese medicine, and can be compared to acupuncture without the needles.

Master Choa Kok Sui says, the major chakras or energy centers control and energize the internal organs and control and affect one’s psychological conditions. The major chakras have corresponding psychological conditions. For example, “if the heart chakra is overdeveloped, and the solar plexus chakra is underdeveloped, there is a tendency that other people will take advantage of you, abuse and misuse you.” I find this to be more common with empaths. He says, “to become psychologically healthy the two chakras must be balanced”. This is balancing loving-kindness and self-interest.

Psychological healing occurs in the energy field. The removal of emotional or energetic blocks (in the chakras) with Pranic Healing can significantly improve a person’s overall health.

Empaths and Highly Sensitive Souls are also very sensitive to energy and the energies around them, which can be overwhelming, energy-draining, stressful, and anxiety-producing. Emotional stress can manifest in the body as physical pain or other symptoms. Pranic Psychotherapy is Pranic Healing applied in energetically preventing and treating Psychological ailments, where stress is at the root; this is where I like to focus.

Traumatic energies, according to Master Choa Kok Sui “are lodged in several chakras or energy centers which may, in the long run, manifest as stress or phobia. A traumatic experience may produce repeated thoughts of fear, poor self-esteem, insecurity, futility, and/or indifference. Thinking and feeling negatively for a long period of time will produce negative thought entities with strong inhibiting effects, manifesting as severe depression.” Pranic Healing helps us with energy balancing, removing trauma energy, and feelings of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm to find inner balance and peace.

Layers of the Aura

Diane Kathrine explains, “the emotional body is the part of the auric field that resonates with the emotions and corresponds to the sacral and solar plexus chakras. The mental body corresponds with the solar plexus chakra and relates to personal power and thoughts. Your mental body is built of thought-forms (habit patterns so intense that they congeal into solid form). This collection of thoughts determines your experience in life. An aura becomes bristly when it is filled with neg thoughts and emotions. A sensitive person who gets near that energy field feels the negative thought form’s projected repellent energy.”

If the aura is not healthy, this can cause many challenges. See “What is Leaky Aura Syndrome?A strong aura as we learn in Pranic Healing protects against outside negativity, thoughts, energy and even disease. Through a healthy auric field you radiate inner power and draw in positivity. Your vibrant energy empowers others and helps raise their frequency!

End Summary

I began to learn Pranic Healing in 2016 (and became an associate Pranic Healer in 2018), which allowed me to understand the body’s energy system and be an active participant in my health and healing and others’ health and healing. It is a truly remarkable modality! Master Choa Kok Sui spoke about the benefit of at least one household member practicing Pranic Healing on behalf of the family. I can see the tremendous power and benefit in that!Reach out and schedule a free 15-minute call or email tamara@forestpath.ca



**Pranic Healing is not intended to replace allopathic medicine, but rather to complement it.


  • Kathrine, Diane. How to Heal Leaky Aura Syndrome. 2017
  • Shumsky, Susan G. Exploring Auras (177, 178). New Page Books. 2006.
  • Sui, Master Choa Kok. The Origin of Modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga. Institute for Inner Studies and Publishing Foundation, Inc. Kindle Edition. 
  • Sui, Master Choa Kok. Pranic Psychotherapy. Institute for Inner Studies and Publishing Foundation, Inc. p. 10

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The Forest Path of Healing

Coming Home to Ourselves

About Forest Path 

I am passionate about releasing, dissolving and rewiring the internalized inner messages, beliefs and conditioning that we absorbed and took on that do not belong to us and, therefore, inhibit us from freely expressing and connecting to our Soul’s guidance, wisdom and joy trajectory. 

Highly Sensitive people often take on messages in a deeper, whole-hearted way. This I know. 

Reclaiming who we were before taking on board and believing who others told us we were and were not. 

I delight in working with Sensitive, Self-aware Gentle-Wild, Souls with a passion for growth, wholeness, aliveness and a deep connection to the natural world! 

Exploring questions such as

-Does your life feel low on joy, play, creative spark and vibrant colour?

Are you hard on yourself?

-Do you find yourself in repetitive situations or internal struggle patterns?

-What thoughts, beliefs, and wounding prevent you from living a life you would love? 


-What deeply lights you up?

-When do you feel the most alive, peaceful and at ease?

I would be delighted to guide you in the following: 

-Reclaiming alive, joyful, passionate parts of us that light us up, that we truly love!

-Creating Inner Alignment and congruency between the Self and the Soul!

-The freedom to be unapologetically and authentically ourselves. 

-Inner and outer ease and freedom and the joy of feeling and knowing we are on a path aligned with our Soul.

-attaining a deeper connection to ourselves and others.

How do we do this?

-By giving voice and care to the somatic (body) sensations crying out for our attention. 

-Honouring the truth about how we feel.

-Reconnecting with parts of us that need to be heard.  

-leaning into internalized False Beliefs and Conditioned Paradigms

-Healing Shame and Inner Pain.

**You feeling safe, seen, heard and respected is my utmost priority

I honour you, your truth and how you feel.

For almost 12 years, I have found EFT Tapping to be an incredible guide to safely and gently explore the parts of us that need to express, be heard and be given a voice. 

Through a series of pictures, Picture Tapping helps us to resolve an issue by tapping on the images and the title of the picture, not the feelings, emotions and sensations directly. The practitioner does not need to know what the person is tapping on but guides the process through the images and colours to find a resolution.

I offer Pranic Healing sessions to assist with inner healing, turmoil, stress, overwhelm, trauma, etc., through our energy system.

Please feel free to reach out to me at tamara@forestpath.ca with any questions or comments or book a free 15-minute chat

I look forward to connecting! 


“I’ll tell you right now, the doors to the world of the wild self are few but precious. If you have a deep scar, that is the door, if you have an old, old story, that is the door. If you love the sky and the water so much you almost cannot not bear it, that is the door. If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door.”

From “Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stores of the Wild Woman Archetype”. Clarissa Pinkola Este’s, Ph.D.


Forest Path Permaculture